Monday, May 31, 2010

Day One - Couch to 5K

Day One loomed as a haze of acrid smoke hung over the city like a heavy curtain (apparently caused by forest fires raging in Central Quebec???) Probably not the best day to start a running program but I had made a plan and I was sticking to it, no matter what.

After a 5 minute warm-up walk and stretching, I set out on my first run-walk (1 minute running, followed by 1.5 minutes of walking x 8). At first I felt kind of silly running for such a short time before walking again but I got over it pretty fast. I'm not paying attention to anyone else and I'm sure they're not paying any attention to me.

It's amazing how out of shape I am. One minute of running and I am ready to start walking again. Although, oddly enough my shins felt better when I was running as opposed to walking. I downloaded an app for my iPhone called "Get Running" and it has a soothing British woman's voice telling you when to walk and when to run, how long you've got left, etc. I quite appreciated her upbeat tone and encouraging words. I ended with a 5 minute cool-down walk and more stretching and then homeward.

Final verdict: it was harder than it sounds (especially for someone as couch-bound as I've been the last year) but not impossible. It felt good to get moving again. I am taking tomorrow off (as advised by my app) and will be back for Day Two on Wednesday. I may try to do Pilates on the days when I'm not running.

#2. I like the fact that I have a decent sense of humour and can laugh at myself (most of the time).

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