Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day Two - Couch to 5K

Boy, am I ever missing the couch.

Is it possible that Day Two was harder than Day One? Maybe because my body knows what to expect and is rebelling - "holy s**t! You're doing this to me AGAIN?!"

I started out feeling great - energized and ready to run-walk (or "ralk" as my husband likes to call it). By the time I was half way through I was starting to huff and puff quite a lot and knew my face was likely beet red (I am ruddy complexioned to start with so it doesn't require much exertion for me to turn the colour of a cooked lobster). By the second last run, I was telling myself "you can do this! Don't give up" because my legs were telling me they wanted to give up. On the 8th and final run it took all I had just to finish those last ten seconds. My app congratulated me on finishing and reminded me to maintain a brisk walk for five minutes to cool down. Ha! I felt more like I was stumbling for five minutes. It felt good to stretch after the cool down and I tried not to be too discouraged by how wrecked I felt after doing only 8 measly minutes of running (and not even consecutively)! But I recognize this as typical "me" behaviour. If things don't happen right away I get discouraged. I am also known for being great at coming up with ideas and making plans but not so great on the follow through. So recognizing that, I need to keep telling myself that every day I complete this program I am getting closer to my goal of running 5K and being healthier. It seems so far off at this point. It will not happen overnight.

#3. I like the fact that I have slim ankles that seemingly stay slim no matter how much weight I gain.

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